Monday, April 27, 2009

About The Woman in White

"The Woman in வைட்"told a story about a lovely girl, Laura, and a woman in white, Anne. Anne and her mother kept a terrible secret about Laura’s fiancé and husband later, Sir Percival. This cruel man threw poor Anne into an asylum where mad people were kept.
Sir Percival did not love Laura but 20,000 pounds belong to Laura. He made a dark plan on his wife. Suddenly, Laura died form natural causes –a heart problem. Her money went to Sir Percival then. Nobody can tell the truth in her death. But a young teacher, Walter Tright, who loved Laura for many years found that the women in white was Laura’s half sister. They shared a father. Walter also discovered the secret that 20 years ago, Anne’s mother saw Sir Percival entering the marriage of his parents into the book where all the marriages had been recorded so it was a forgery that can destroy Sir Percival.
At last Sir Percival was killed by himself in fire when he wanted to burn the marriages book in Church. The story didn’t come to end. In the fact, Laura didn’t die. Her husband shut her up into the asylum taking place of Anne, they looked so similar but Anne was poor in her heart . Sir Percival let her died cruelly pretending as Laura
At the end Laura come back to her father’s house and lived with Walter she fell in love with forever. The cruel man had been punished and the lover got marry. Everybody is happy to see this end of story.
I read some stories books on the train every morning. Only this story always makes me almost miss my stop.
“…moon had risen…Nobody else was around I was passing by some trees…..suddenly somebody touched me lightly on the shoulder from behind. Every drop of blood inside me froze I turned round.”
“There ,in the middle of the wide road, —-there as if she had just that moment sprung out of the earth or dropped from heaven—stood the figure of a lonely woman dressed from head to foot all in white.”
“Is this the road to London?” She asked.
I love this start of the story, I was caught, can’t stop reading, also pay more attention on the words describing the people in the story. They are easier than we studied in class. But the description of Laura’s uncle is most interesting. “He was about sixty years old with a delicate, nervous face. His voice sounded tired and complaining” He always said “my nervous are very delicate” He hated even a little noise and any change in his life.
The women in White” was successful. It was Collins’s fifth novel. At that time every week there were long queues of people waiting to buy the next issue of the magazine to find out what happened next. Readers regarded it as Collin’s best novel. I loved it too. I think a good work always keep its attraction even time is going.